Contributions Received

In accordance with Article 1, paragraphs 125–129, of Law No. 124 of August 4, 2017, Advan S.r.l. discloses the following public contributions received.
State aid and de minimis aid received by our company are listed in the National State Aid Register pursuant to Article 52 of Law No. 234/2012.

Project title


Implementation of a Photovoltaic System to Meet the Company’s Energy Needs

PR FESR 2021-2027 – Action b2.1, RESOLUTION No. 182/2023 – CUP Code D13D23001000007

  • Approved Expenditure: €43,250.00
  • Granted Contribution: €17,300.00 (of which EU share: €6,920.00)

Project Objectives
To enhance the production and self-consumption of electricity from renewable sources, promote energy efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Expected Results
To support the transition to a zero-emission economy through clean energy while fostering greater energy independence for the regional industrial sector.


Project Title

POR FESR 2014-2020ADETIS – Surface Treatment Process for Prosthetic Components to Enhance Tissue Adhesion

POR FESR 2014-2020 – Action 1.2.a.1, DGR No. 991 of July 3, 2020

Incentives for process and organizational innovation activities.

  • Approved Expenditure: €269,797.21
  • Financed Contribution: €150,000.00


The “ADETIS” project aims to introduce a process innovation to:

  • Define integrated process methodologies for new surface treatments of prosthetic components.
  • Establish process parameters for preliminary analysis of the potential technical/functional characteristics of the resulting product.
  • Develop prototypes to validate the technology.
  • Identify proper operational procedures for quality control and drafting of technical production specifications.
  • Conduct functional tests on processes and products to adjust calibration, methods, and procedures.
  • Perform clinical product tests to complete validation with patient-derived data, ensuring process safety and efficacy.


To create a highly efficient and versatile integrated production system for dental implantology, with the following goals:

  • Develop highly innovative products while reducing constraints from outsourcing.
  • Enhance flexibility to meet customization needs, including those tied to digital workflows and new organizational models.
  • Enable the production of “semi-custom” prosthetic components.
  • Differentiate the company’s product/service offerings.


  • Develop a process innovation for advanced prosthetic components ensuring epithelial adhesion.
  • Internalize previously outsourced production phases.
  • Optimize production and management procedures by defining standardized and repeatable protocols.
  • Shorten process times, improve resource planning, and reduce inventory.
  • Lower production costs.
  • Foster continuous process and product innovation.
  • Provide effective tools for product differentiation in the market.
  • Enhance competitiveness and drive ADVAN’s growth.


Granting Entity: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG)

Amount Received: €6,694.29

Date Received: November 16, 2021

Reason: Regional Law 29/2019 – Dpreg 197/2019

Granting Entity: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG)

Amount Received: €1,038,416.44

Date Received: October 28, 2021

Reason: Article 6, Paragraph 2 of Regional Law 3/2015 – DPReg No. 82/2017

Granting Entity: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG)

Amount Received: €13,805.71

Date Received: October 18, 2021

Reason: Regional Law 29/2019 – Dpreg 197/2019

Granting Entity: CCIAA PN-UD (Chamber of Commerce, Pordenone-Udine)

Amount Received: €107,856.00

Date Received: November 15, 2021Reason: DPReg 221/2017

Granting Entity: INVITALIA

Amount Received: €18,000.00

Date Received: May 27, 2021Reason: D.M. MISE 07/05/2019