Maxillary Sinus Lift via bilateral crestal route and insertion 3 GTB Sinus Lift implants


Dr. Nicola Vanuzzo

Private practice:
Dentist and C. Professor at the University of Genoa.

Vanuzzo Dental Centre Padua (PD) - Italy

Key Opinion Leader (KOL) for Advan S.r.l.


Two Advan GTB implants were placed in positions 15 and 25 in non-regenerated bone.

A bilateral sinus lift was performed at the same time using osteotomes and particulate bovine bone graft, resulting in a significant maxillary sinus floor elevation achieved via a crestal approach. Three Advan GTB SINUS LIFT implants were then placed in positions 16, 26, and 27. All implants were submerged for healing. Six months later, after intra-sinus peri-implant bone regeneration, the implants were uncovered and prosthetically loaded.

Upper molar implant procedures frequently (almost always) encounter quantitative bone tissue defects [1]. As a result, penetrating the maxillary sinus to restore vertical bone volumes through sinus floor elevation has become standard practice [2].  This has fostered the development of techniques that are less invasive, more predictable, and efficient in terms of clinical time.Advan has addressed this need by creating an implant specifically tailored for such cases.

The Advan GTB SINUS LIFT implant is designed with macro-geometries to ensure minimal disruption to the Schneiderian membrane if contact occurs. Its thread design enables stabilization in minimal bone [3] while generating a powerful intrusive force during placement.