Rehabilitation of the anterior maxillary region using the modular GTB + GFA system


Dr. Perla Della Nave Dr. Albert Vericat

Freelancer Implantologist

Dr. Perla Della Nave
Private practice in Madrid - SpainOral Surgeon 

Dr. Albert Vericat 
Private practice in Valencia - Spain 
and Founder Vericat Formacion 


The alveolar process and the periodontium are tooth-dependent anatomical structures; indeed, the loss of a tooth triggers a cascade of biological events that lead to progressive atrophy of both hard and soft periodontal tissues. This atrophy is characterized by a complete loss of cementum attachment fibers, periodontal ligament, and bundle bone, as well as volumetric alterations in both vertical and horizontal dimensions. Studies have shown that resorption of the alveolar ridge, along with its subsequent lingual repositioning, can reach 40-60%, with the most significant changes occurring within the first 3-6 months following tooth extraction. However, this process continues gradually throughout an individual’s lifetime, at an annual rate of approximately 0.5-1%. Specifically, during the first eight weeks, bone resorption primarily affects the mid-buccal area, which is anatomically farther from the periodontal ligament of adjacent teeth (if present) that help preserve interproximal bone. Furthermore, in a thin biotype, the resulting defect will be a two-wall defect due to the significant loss of the buccal cortical plate; in contrast, a thick biotype will produce a three-wall defect, thanks to the greater thickness of the outer cortical plate.